
29 dicembre 2023 Preghiamo per Padre Paolo ovunque sia e perché il Signore ci doni un 2024 di Pace

Salmo 87
Dei figli di Core. Salmo. Canto.
1 Le sue fondamenta sono sui monti santi;
2 il Signore ama le porte di Sion
più di tutte le dimore di Giacobbe.
3 Di te si dicono cose stupende,
città di Dio.
4 Ricorderò Raab e Babilonia fra quelli che mi conoscono;
ecco, Palestina, Tiro ed Etiopia:
tutti là sono nati.
5 Si dirà di Sion: “L’uno e l’altro è nato in essa
e l’Altissimo la tiene salda”.
6 Il Signore scriverà nel libro dei popoli:
“Là costui è nato”.
7 E danzando canteranno:
“Sono in te tutte le mie sorgenti”.

Psaume 87
Psaume. Chant des descendants de Koré.

1 Elle est fondée sur les montagnes saintes,
2 Le Seigneur aime la ville de Sion,
plus que toutes les demeures de Jacob.
3 On a dit sur toi des choses glorieuses,
O toi, ville de Dieu !
4 Je mentionne l’Égypte et Babylone parmi ceux qui me connaissent.
Voici le pays des Philistins, Tyr, ainsi que l’Éthiopie :
c’est là qu’ils sont nés.
5 Mais de Sion il est dit : « Tous y sont nés,
et c’est le Très-Haut qui l’a fondée ».
6 Le Seigneur inscrit au registre des peuples :
« C’est là qu’ils sont nés ».
7 Ceux qui chantent et ceux qui dansent s’écrient :
« Toutes mes sources sont en toi ».

Psalm 87
A Psalm of the sons of Korah. A Song.
1 His foundation is in the holy mountains.
2 The LORD loves the gates of Zion
More than all the dwellings of Jacob.
3 Glorious things are spoken of you,
O city of God!
4 “I will make mention of [a]Rahab and Babylon to those who know Me;
Behold, O Philistia and Tyre, with Ethiopia:
‘This one was born there.’ ”
5 And of Zion it will be said,
“This one and that one were born in her;
And the Most High Himself shall establish her.”
6 The LORD will record,
When He registers the peoples:
“This one was born there.”
7 Both the singers and the players on instruments say,
“All my springs are in you.”

مزمور ٨٧
مزمور لبني قورح، أنشودة.
1 وَضَعَ اللهُ أسَاسَهَا فِي سِلسِلَةِ الجِبَالِ المُقَدَّسَةِ.
2 يَحِبُّ اللهُ بَوَّابَاتِ صِهْيَوْنَ،
أكْثَرَ مِنْ كُلِّ مُدُنِ إسْرَائِيلَ الأُخرَى.
3 يَا مَدِينَةَ اللهِ،
يَقُوُلُ فِيكِ النَّاسُ أشْيَاءَ بَدِيعَةً.
4 أذْكُرُ مِصْرًا وَبَابِلَ مِنْ بَيْنِ الأُمَمِ الَّتِي تَعْرِفُنِي.
أذْكُرُ الَّذِينَ وُلِدُوا فِي فِلَسطِينَ وَصُورَ وَكُوشٍ.
5 هَذَا وَذَاكَ يَقُولَانِ إنَّهُمَا وُلِدَا فِي صِهْيَوْنَ،
المَدِينَةِ الَّتِي بَنَاهَا اللهُ العَلِيُّ.
6 عِنْدَ اللهِ سِجِلَّاتٌ لِشَعْبِهِ،
فَيَعْرِفُ أيْنَ وُلِدَ كُلُّ وَاحِدٍ مِنْهُمْ.
7 سَيَرْقُصُونَ وَيُغَنُّونَ وَيَقُولُونَ:
“مِنْ صِهْيَوْنَ تَأْتِي كُلُّ الخَيْرَاتِ.”

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